The Village of Consort has many recreational opportunities to offer for all ages and interests. The Village owns and operates The Sportex building, the Sportsgrounds, the outdoor swimming pool and the Kinsmen Playground and Park. To stay up to date on all things recreation you can follow us on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/villageofconsort
The Consort Sportex is the hub of the Community, it is made up of a skating rink (Home to the Consort Comets, 3C’s Coyotes, and various Rec Hockey teams, a 3 sheet Curling Rink (with lounge upstairs), a 4 lane Bowling Alley (licensed to sell liquor on request) a newly renovated Community Hall, treadmill room and the Funex (arcade style games, ping pong, pickleball court etc).

The Sportsgrounds includes 3 ball diamonds, a Bunnock Court as well as a concession, sheltered area, and newly renovated bathrooms. During the Spring/Summer of 2020, Diamond 2 got a facelift with an improved warning track, planted trees along the fence line, beautiful new dugouts and bleachers as well as a batting cage. We are expecting to have new dugouts on diamond 1 in time for ball 2021. We are also looking at expanding diamond 3 so that we can accommodate baseball for Bantam and Midget aged teams as well as for our new ball academy team the Neutral Hills Wranglers. The Consort Sportsgrounds is the home to all of our Minor Ball teams as well as our Adult Slow Pitch League, Annual Bunnock Tournament, and East Central Labour Day Classic. Free Field camping is available for all major events.

The Village of Consort operates a 10 site Campground conveniently located off of our sportsgrounds. The campground offers power, water & sewage sites as well as free wifi and a picnic table and firepit at each site. To Book a site click here
Gooseberry Lake is just minutes away and features a 9 hole golf course, spray park, playground and campground.
The Village of Consort is lucky to have active Minor Hockey and Minor Ball Associations who work hard to make sure sports are fun and accessible to all those who want to play. Consort has their own U7, U9 and U11 hockey teams under the 3C’s (Castor, Consort, Coronation) umbrella and combine with Castor and Coronation to make up the U13, U15 and U18 teams. Consort Minor Ball offers ball programing to over 100 participants. Contact Jade at recreation@consort.ca for more information on Minor Sports Programming, you can also follow our Consort Minor Sports Facebook page
In addition to the Village ran Facilities, Consort has a Dance Academy, a public library located in the Consort School that is part of the Marigold Library system and the new Gem Centre located by the Lodge that gets used for various game and entertainment evenings as well as meeting and event bookings. We are also lucky to have the following service clubs in town who enrich our recreational opportunities: Consort Lions, Consort Oilmens, ECHS, Consort Pool Association, 4H Clubs, Ag Society, Senior Dance Club and YAK.